It is reassuring to still hear works that are of such enchantment. Without giving up any of the rigor and calibre that produce a work we want to hear again, Entre Nous grabs us from start to finish and goes by like a flash.
Entre Nous (Between Us) is both a piece of theater with music and a piece of music with theatre, which, like the society it examines, finds itself in search of its own ontology. Over the course of 26 tableaux and an abundance of sound worlds and characters, the work constantly questions what the We/Us is, how this We/Us includes and excludes, and what we can learn from it. Having always been linguistically excluded myself – a Frenchie in Ottawa, not a true francophone in Montreal, a foreigner in Germany – and being queer, I have always wanted to explore inclusion and exclusion and how this shapes us.
Entre Nous therefore takes the form of an investigation into our society, both on an intimate and global level, by exploring what the Quebec/Franco-Ontarian language reveals and conceals about our past, our values, our losses, our traumas, our prejudices, and our imperative need to belong and to laugh.
Angaben gemäß § 5 TMG
Max Muster
12345 Musterstadt
Thierry Tidrow
Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer gemäß §27a Umsatzsteuergesetz: Musterustid.
Musteraufsicht Musterstadt
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